Charlie's Tacos on Chuo Park Ave (old B.C. St.) in Okinawa City (Koza)
These photos are screenshots from my GoPro. Fun video follows after the pix.

Back in the 1970s our squadron, the Kadena Clinic, would compete with other units around the island to see who could eat the most tacos. (See my story: "Wally's Tacos"). According to This Week on Okinawa, April 11-18, 1990 issue, the record was held by a team of 18 personnel from Torii Station who downed 240 tacos, 78 sodas, 2 orders of chili, and 8 bowls of hot sauce. I wonder who topped that, and when.

I've been back to Charlie's Tacos in recent years and they're still as delicious as I remembered them from back in the '70s and '80s. 1996-2019
Webmaster: Mick McClary, Great Falls, Montana