YATTA!! With our feet firmly planted once again in the Ryukyu Kingdom it was time to go get the rental car and head North.
A little paperwork to accomplish before we could hit the road.
And then hit the road we did! These are a few photos that DyLon took as we drove through the Naha area.
We stopped along the way at Kadena Air Base to get a base pass for the car, pick up some groceries at the commissary and a cell-phone at the Base Exchange. We also drove over to DyLon's old school, Kadena High. I think that he tried his best to play it down but it was very obvious to me how excited he was to see the place again.
He also had a nostalgic visit to Emery Lanes which had a different name back in the '80s.
Those chores and fun stops having been completed we set out for our up-north lair, enjoying the drive despite a gray overcast sky. Even so, Okinawa never looked better!
When we finished up everytyhing we needed to do on base we took off up Rte 58 toward Nago and ultimately Okuma where we had a "Suite Plus" rented for 4 days. Along the way I made a side stop in Kina Village to show DyLon the Murano Minka apartment where Zac and I stayed in 2015.
It wasn't long before we dropped in at a Family Mart to get a little something to gnaw on while we drove.
Gettin' closer!!
As planned, before nightfall, we arrived at Okuma for 4 glorious days - if it doesn't rain. It did... a little.
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