9th AVRS - Harold Smith I joined the Air Force on 8-2-1951. They sent me to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. I was there about ten days to get uniforms and shots. I was then sent to Sheppard AFB in Texas for basic training. Columbus, Ohio was my next stop where I went to the Ohio School of Trades. This was a civilian school that taught auto mechanics. We lived in the Knights of Columbus Hotel downtown. I left there in December of 1951 for Chanute AFB [Illinois] to get processed to go to the "Far East" - destination unknown.
I came home for two weeks leave and then traveled to Camp Stoneman in California where I got those wonderful shots and waited for the ship, USS GENERAL MITCHELL. I boarded and on the way over we ran into a strong typhoon. Now, this ship was going completely under water and the propellers would come out of the water on the back end and shake the whole ship. This went on for three days! After it was over they told us a seam had broken and flooded one of the storage compartments, so they shut the door to it. It was full of cars and furniture, etc. for the officers and their family. I will tell this now while I am on the subject - When I came home twenty three months later on the same ship we asked the crew if the ship had been fixed. The answer was "No"! The compartment was still sealed off. The morning we arrived there we could see land for about an hour before we got to it. We still didn't know where we were going. Everyone just knew it was going to be Korea. As the ship was pulling up to this one lonely dock they called about fifty of us to get our duffel bags and get ready to disembark. When I got back on deck the ship was there, only one dock, no buildings, and only a couple of tents with several trucks. We got off and were loaded into the trucks. Everyone just knew we were in Korea. What we didn't understand was that just a few of us got off. Someone asked the truck driver where we were and he said to be quiet or we would get shot. Well, that scared the hell out of all of us. We rode on an old dirt road for about fifteen minutes and then slowed and went through a base gate. We looked as we went on and the sign said "Kadena Air Force Base." The Master Sergeant started laughing and said, "Boys, we are lucky! This is not Korea. We are in Okinawa," an island off the coast of Korea. I was assigned to the 9th Air Vehicle Repair Squadron.
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