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Living in Awase
It wasn't a tough time living there! I can think of many worse
places to be trying to raise a new family, keep down a job and have
enough to entertain yourself. Awase was "good times" for us and we
didn't really appreciate it too much.Oh, that's not to say we
didn't know that we were better off than some - I think we just didn't
have a clue because we were both so new at being away from home and
new at being newlywed. A lot of good times came from that little
30,000 yen/month concrete block that we called home. Our neighbors,
for one... nice people and not unaccustomed to Americans in the
neighborhood. The area in which we lived wasn't inundated with
Americans but there were enough of us to make our presence known.
One of our utmost crusades was to do our part to dispell the image of
the "ugly American." In retrospect, our greatest and most rewarding
experience living among the locals wasn't to occur for another
fourteen years, but for the time being, we tried our darnedest to be
good neighbors. I regret that I can remember no one's name - the
family right next door had a great dog! They welcomed us with a
traditional offering of baked goods and, ya know, we didn't really
know how to respond. Yeeesh!! We really felt like geeks... they were
so nice and we were just scratchin' our heads and wondering how to
return the kindness. Should we go to the commissary and buy them a
bunch of American made goodies? Heck! They probably wouldn't like it
and we'd have gone to jail for black-marketing!! Well, maybe not....
We decided that the best way to return the favor was to simply be
decent neighbors. As it turned out, we didn't have a whole lot of
contact with them and this being our first time on island, I didn't
know any of the language. That was definitely a stumbling block.
The house.... oh that house!! There are really big bugs on Okinawa.
We called 'em water-bugs. We called 'em roaches. We called 'em a
lotta things that I'd ought not put in print here!! *grin* I don't
want to say these bugs were huge but... at night, if the lights were
off in the kitchen... you'd go in, turn on the light and listen!! One
could literally hear them skittering across the floor, rushing back
into cupboards and drawers, just hustling to hide themselves from the
hungry or thirsty giant who had just interrupted their feeding time!
We used to get those little packs of powdered spaghetti sauce mix.
They loved that stuff!! Before long we had learned to take a look at
the package before using it. Many times you could see where they had
chewed through the packet and dined on the seasoned goodies therein.
Ugghhhh! And Kool-aid!! Lord, they had a penchant for that stuff.
It was bad enough that sometimes we had only twenty or twenty-five
dollars to buy two weeks worth of groceries.... be damned if those
varmints would get half!! Guess we hadn't discovered Tupperware yet!

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June bugs!! From April to July, there were June bugs! All a guy had
to do to see 'em was to open the door... the screen would be
covered with those li'l bastards!! Going in and out of the
house was a trip... trying to slide through the screen door without
letting too many of 'em in. They never hurt a flea, but just the size
of 'em and the noise they made was enough to make your skin crawl!
Geckos! Now those were some neat little beggars!! Those slimy-
looking creatures... lizards, that would hang out at the top of your
draperies. They were in other places too, but could most often count
on having a couple or three of those guys flee when you'd open or close
the draperies! Non-poisonous little reptiles, they are! And they were
really our friends. Why friends? Because they ate those nasty, ugly,
creepy spiders! Oh yeah!! It was a virtual entomological zoo living
off base! For that matter, I don't think they cornered the market on
off-base living facilities! There were pleanty when we moved to
Machinato (now called Makiminato) - but that's another era! At least
we rarely saw mice in Awase!! *shudder*
There were other kinds of creeps though. One night while I was at work
(I worked nights the entire time we lived there) my wife was in the
shower. A small window opened into the shower from the extremely
narrow "back yard." While rinsing her hair, she looked at the window
and saw a pair of beady eyes and a curious grin looking right back at
her! A ghecko? Nope! One of the many rats which often walked along
the top of the concrete fence which surrounded our house? Nope!! A
young nosey, thrill-seeking teen-age local human being? You got it!!
For some strange reason I got a brow-beating over that
one!! Hell!! We can't afford to move now, I proclaimed!
Those bathtubs!! Rectangular, tiled and moldy! It was nothing more
than a concrete trough, all right angles except for the bottom back of
the thing which gradually sloped upward to serve as a backrest. No
thank you, I'll stand!! All the bleach and bathroom cleaning sprays,
brushes and elbow grease that we could conjure up was insufficient to
win the battle over mildew! I thought it odd at first, that they had
used black grout between all those teeny little tiles! Black grout
indeed!!! *smirk* Water rationing! Hmmm.... when the island became
perilously low on fresh water we went into what was so fondly referred
to as "rationing" of water. There was no ration! There was NO WATER!
To ration means to reduce consumption - to allow only so much
of something to be used! Rationing my butt!! We were put on water-deprivation!!
Every third day we'd have our water on for 12 hours! Now it doesn't
take a public works guru to know that after your water's been shut off
and lost its pressure, all kinds of icky crap can find its way into the
water distribution system. Remember what I told you in the Nakasone
Era about the waste disposal system in the early 1970s? Well, if the
"benjo" was outside of the pipes, what do you suppose was seeping
into the pipes!? Anyway, we were advised to fill our tubs during
our "On" hours and then use that water for the next two days.
Use it to cook, drink, wash, flush.... and with a newborn baby to

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So, with all that black grout..... suffice to say we drank an awful
lot of Clorox those first two and a half years on Okinawa!
I mentioned earlier that a very important part of survival back in
those days was the ability to acquire "stuff," remember? One of the
best things I scrounged, relative to water rationing, were a number of
big 5 gallon plastic jugs with a spiggot on it. We had a bunch of 'em
at the clinic. Distilled water was put into them and was used
copiously throughout the facility. So, on a midnight acquisition
foray, a few of those jugs happened to come into my possession. We
still had to use Clorox but at least we didn't have to store drinking
water in that old bath trough! The water in the tub was saved for
flushing! God help us should we run out of water for that!!
The first year that a person spends on island the "winter" doesn't seem
bad at all. I guess that if you get there in the spring of the year,
the following winter might seem kinda cold, but for the most part, I
think the first winter goes well for most folks. The second one,
though.... ya know, it feels cold! I think the coldest it ever got
there in my experience, was in the low 50's. Now some would say,
"How can you possibly call that cold?" Even to me, after
weathering many a winter in New York, Vermont, Wyoming, North Dakota
and Montana, the 50's is a dream come true! If global warming continues
the way it has, we might see Montana temperatures plummet into
the low 50's some day! But, the feeling there is of cold! The
house in Awase had no central heat. We had an air-conditioner for the
summer months, but unfortunately had no money to pay the power bill if
we'd used it! I can remember a few days when it was sooooo hot that
we thought it would hurt our new DyLon so we turned it on. It didn't
work all that well - and it showed when we got the power bill! (NOTE: 11-3-2011 - When I wrote this story back in 1998 there was a general acceptance, I believe, that the Earth was warming, and we used the term "global warming" rather glibly. I believe today that there is no scientific evidence that we are experiencing any man-caused aberrant warming. These warming and cooling cycles have been going on forever.)
Anyway, when the wet chill set in during the monsoon winter season, the
only heat we had was a little Alladin heater. It was adequate and we
lived through it. The place always stank of kerosene though! *pout*
Let's see.... what other "adversities" did we have to endure? Peeping
Toms, big rats who nightly patrolled the brick wall, water bugs, June
bugs, sweltering heat in summer and a chill in the winter..... Dang!!
You'd think there was every reason to hate that place! Instead, we
got stronger and more dependent upon one another for comfort. We had
a new baby boy to love and care for and we had Okinawa! What a
wonderful time we had! I'd be lying if I said we never missed the
good ol' U.S. of A. - but through all the trials, some of my fondest
memories are of those austere early days of our lives on a far-away
rock! A rock that comparatively few have ever seen. A rock that few have
ever heard anything about other than some vague reference to a war.
Okinawa, and Awase - beauty untold!