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Below each page you will find links to pertinent web locations to find more information associated with some of the stories on the page.
Please email me if you have other good Internet resources to add.

General Yamashita
Nazi atrocities in Denmark
Occupation of Denmark by Nazi Germany
Truman sends CARE packages to hungry in Europe
Truman signs Marshall Plan
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
W. Averell Harriman
1940s W. Averell Harriman interview
Truman vetoes the Case Bill, H.R. 4908
Settlement of Contract Negotiation Disputes: A Comparison of Proposed Legislation
PIC ships breeding pigs to Okinawa
PIC International Group

History of the U.S. Third Fleet
U.S. Third Fleet - Wikipedia
How Asphalt is made
What was the Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)?
Alben William Barkley, bio (The name spelled "Barkely" in the Daily Okinawan article is a typo)
Kenneth D. McKellar, bio
OBASCOM (Okinawa Base Command) was redesignated RYCOM (Ryukyus Command) effective July 1, 1946 by General Order 162, Headquarters U.S. Army Forces, Western Pacific, and made responsible for administration under a Deputy Commander for Military Government. (Wikipedia)
Hallicrafters S-20R receiver had only 9 tubes; not 92 as described in the Classified ad. The name of the radio set was also misspelled.
"Come Out Fighting" (1945 movie)
Ding Dong Williams (1946 movie)
The Spanish Main (1945 movie)
Man Alive (1945 movie)

Gasoline Alley comic strip
Male Call comic strip
L'il Abner comic strip
Donald Duck comic strip

Chicago Blackhawks official website
Chicago Blackhawks historical moments
New York Rangers official website
New York Rangers history
Boston Bruins
Toronto Maple Leafs

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