This is a view of the finished product. Everything in this room was hand-crafted except for the china cabinet (seen to the left) and a table that is on the right. Straight ahead you can see some small shelves for storing the traditional slippers that are worn in the tatami instead of street shoes. The only problem that I encountered there though was that the slippers I brought back from Okinawa were too small for me. So, socks or bare feet work just fine for me. In the small window below the clock, on the right of this photo, I have displayed a yellow taxi-cab roof lamp that somehow came into my possession. Below that is one of the license plates that adorned one of my vans when on island. To the right of that is one of the book cases that contain part of my Okinawa Library. The china cabinet on the left appears to be suspended in the air but it's mounted to two vertical 2x4s that go from the end of the tatami up to the ceiling.