There wasn't much happening this Tuesday, the 21st of March. You know how some days
are destined to be easy and laid-back? Well, this was one of 'em. By the end of this third week I was definitely in my "living on Okinawa" mode instead of being a tourist on Okinawa.
I was in a nice place between being almost exhausted and planning what to do next. A very
I saw this on the sidewalk as I was skirting the site. Maybe someone will see it and holler to me, "Hey! That's me!"
I stopped in at the USO to get in touch with Tatsuya Niigaki. The Internet at the house in Uruma went on the Fritz
I drove around a bit to kill time since I had less than two hours. Enough time to goof off but not enough to go and
It is images such as these that makes Okinawa such a memorable place. Scenes like these are just plain dear to me!
I got back to the house on time and got another "pocket hot spot" that worked and life was good again. Later on I moseyed on down the road into Konbu Village and visited with Tsakatsa-san, had a beer and watched a ball game. Whew! Big day, eh? It's all part of my plan for living on Okinawa for one month each year. Naps included!
And then.... Minnasama oyasuminasai! Mata ashita. Back to
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