NOTE: Right out of the gate I have to confess to having goofed with Kinjo-san's name. When it appears in my videos
It was a cool and rainy drive up to Kin to pick up Michael. As we drove west across island the rain let
This is the center that is run by the most charming, lively and accommodating woman by the name of Kinjo. This is a BOOKLET (.pdf) that Kinjo-san gave me that explains the Sururu Gama experience.
Kinjo-san beamed as she showed the newspaper clipping of a story about Michael that had been published Jan 1, 2015.
The walls in the center were literally covered with photos, paintings, clippings and other media.
These buildings, adjacent to the center, are also a part of their complex. I'm not certain what purpose they serve.
Arrival at the Kouri Shamanistic Center
Getting to Know You
Well, here we are at the beginning of our hike down to the cave, Sururu Gama.
Someone had recently cleared a path through the field to get to the rocky descent.
Here we are at the beginning of the slippery and potentially treacherous "climb" down to the sea.
The Descent
Okay, we made it safely to the shore and I promptly waded out into the sea to scrub my boo-boos.
Waiting for Low Tide and Bento
I was about half-way through my bento before it occurred to me that I should capture all that goodness in a photo.
We ate while the kids played and ran around...
...and we contemplated the awesome beauty of the whole experience.
Getting into the Cave With everyone finally inside the cave the solemn ritual got underway, starting with preparation of the altars.
I don't pretend to know anything at all about Chamanism, Animism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism or any
There are two distinctly different "altars" where Toguchi Sensei prayed and entirely differing machinations. It was a very
Exploration and Preparations
Prayers in the Back Chamber
Transition to the Front Altar
Conclusion Ima matta gomen nasai... Kinjo-san, forgive my error!
Extra credit:
Recommended reading from my library:
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