Ah, it was a wonderful day for a parade! No rain. A little cloudy but it was welcomed to calm some of
I didn't wait very long though before the aroma got to me. I went in and placed an order.
After ordering I went back outside to get some images of the place then went back insode.
I asked the proprietor the name of the restaurant and he wrote out this note for me
While waiting for my soba creation I "chatted" (if you can call stumbling all over my limited
"Camp Mikku"
While slurping soba I bided my time people-watching under a perfectly clouded afternoon
When the talent started showing up I knew that parade time was approaching
The guys across the street were doing a bang-up business selling yakitori and whatever else they had
I tried something new - I mounted my SJCam (similar to a GoPro) to the top of my hat. Turned out pretty well, I think.
At some point the parade came to a stand-still accompanied only by snare drums. I took time to enjoy the kids' enthusiasm.
BONUS! When the parade got to the east end of Chuo Park Avenue they turned around and made a second pass. On their return trip down "B.C. Street" they were playing Okinawan traditional. Tinsagu nu Hana - Yay!
I don't know who this guy is but he fancied himself some sort of celebrity
After the parade I headed back over to Gate 2 Street (Route 20).
Along the way I passed a vegetable and fruit wholesale store operated by the Agricultural Association.
And I reminisced as I walked past the Montblanc. Too bad it's no longer a restaurant.
On my walk back to the USO where I had parked the car I encountered a fella whom I had seen a few times before. Nice man.
So ended a fun day on Chuo Park Avenue and the Saint Patrick's Day parade!
After that I stopped off at Koza Music Town
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