Mel Lange submitted: I was stationed in Okinawa in the mid 60's in the Army in Machinato. It is a beautiful place and beautiful people. I am sure it is even better today! I was there 18 months and rented a house in the village with a beautiful young girl named Nobuko Shegayee (not sure of spelling of last name - pronounced she gay ee). [probably spelled Shigei] I would so very much like to hear about her and what happened to her. I hope she is well. I loved her so much! The picture is of us back then. I still treasure it. If anyone knows her or her family, please tell them about this message. Thank you! ![]() (Mel can be contacted through on Facebook). |
***** A Search is Underway ***** (name redacted as requested) is looking for (name redacted as requested). He says that his friend, "lived in Okinawa for much of the time I knew her (2000-2003), and I believe for much of her life." Her parents were military on Okinawa. She has a younger sister named (redacted). He does not know the friend's parents' names but, of course, the last name is (redacted). Mr. (redacted) passed away in 2002 or 2003. He believes that Mr. (redacted) had a funeral and burial on Okinawa. (Redacted) also believes that there may be some record of his death at a funeral home somewhere on island. If you think you can help, contact (redacted) at (redacted as requested) Thanks, friends! Mick
Follow-up: I received an email from the requester today, July 18, 2013, advising me that he has established contact with the person for whom he was in search. Terrific news! I'm grateful that I was able to provide even a modicum of assistance in his search. |
HELP! Can you help solve a mystery? Where was this photo taken? Click here and read the conversation with Susan Silva. Scroll down to find her messages. Pretty sure I nailed it - Take a look. |
Robert Renfro [ac7k(at)] Hi I am trying to find some audio (music) tapes that were sold by a shop called the Okinawa tape club in the late 60's and earily 70's. I was a member of the US Navy at the time and I remember we would pull into White Beach and would go to a little shop that sold reel to reel tapes pre recorded with music. They had catalogs of all different types and formats. Thanks Robert |
Don Schneider [donschneider44(at)] I was a Vet Tech stationed on Okinawa at Camp Mercy Vet hospital. I had Vet Tech friends at both Machinato and Yomitan dog schools as well as the 267th Chem Co. I accompanied dog handlers to JWTC (part of Marines camp S.D. Butler) I was on Okinawa from May 1968, through Dec. 1969. I would like to know if any of the dog handlers remembers the Vet Clinic at Camp Mercy. Don Schneider, Havana Fl.
Anyone out there work with Army sentry dogs on Okinawa at either Camp Mercy Vet center, Machinato, or Yomitan dog schools, or the 267th Chem Co. or the North and South security Nike stations? |
Michael Gill Contact: jmidnite2000(at) I enjoyed your page very much...I was stationed at Futenma from 86-90 best time of my life...I was wondering if you, through your vast contacts could find me an english translation of the great okinawan drinking song, titled "Oji Jiman no Orion Beer" I have the lyrics in japanese but would love to know what they all mean....Thanks a bunch... Semper Fi, Michael Gill USMC Sgt 1986-1992. Peace and Love michaelgill |
Robert Jackson jacksonr(at) My family lived on Camp Chinen from 1962-65 and again from 1969-June 1972 when the base was closed. I am interested in any photos people might have of Chinen from those years, and any photos or descriptions of what the base looks like now. |
Frank Santo July 19, 2010 at 10:43pm Hallo Mr McClary, greetings from Jakarta, my name is Frans Santo and on my Facebook your profile showed up as a person I might know. Out of curiosity I check your profile and much to my surprise you spent time in Okinawa. For the last few months I've been tryin to figure out how to locate a person once served there. Well, my wife was born in 1953 in Naha , mother Okinawan(deceased) and father USAF personnel but after a few years they split. I know you are lot younger but maybe you can guide me to where to start looking. flsanto(at) thanks, Fran |
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 15:13:08 EDT Mick - Wondering if you could help me post a question. I am helping my girlfriend look for her birth mother. She was born in the Kadena Military Hospital and then adopted by missionaries in March 1961. She is turning 50 this year, and would like to find her birth mom, and her own parents would like to meet the mom they never knew. She only has her baby bracelet and has written to the ISS organization but they claim to have no record of her birth and the name on the bracelet has faded. She only sees the mom's name, Vivian. I am wondering if ANYONE was born in that hospital at that time if they could provide a copy (with their name and info deleted) of their original birth certificate form just so that we can see what it looked like. Maybe there is a reference number, agency, stamp...something that will give her a clue to help the ISS locate it. She only has a copy of her baptismal and the parents say that the dad was there at the time of birth stationed on the AFB. Her parents are unable to find a copy as they traveled extensively and moved several times and are hoping that 'Vivian' is still alive. Thank you, Susan Lee Anyone with information that may help Susan, contact her: Kaimashoo(at) |
9th AVRS 2010 Reunion
Nashville, Tennessee September 23 - 26, 2010 Details Here |
[received Mar 15, 2010: Hi, I would like to find an old friend and see how she is doing. I was on Naha AB around 1969 and 1970. I made some good friends in Namanoue, one of them was Yoshimi Yamashiro. It is unfortunate that not everyone has the same opportunities to live the wonderfull life we all should. She had a beautiful heart and a beautiful spirit and I hope life was kind to her. I would like to tell her I never forgot her through all these years, and she will always be in my memory as a beautiful human being. She was at the Club Harbor Light, in Namanoue, along with a bartender named Hidaka. If anyone has pictures of Namenoue from around 1970, I would love to see them. All the pictures I had of Okinawa where destroyed. I also had a friend on the base, his was a Sgt on Naha AB, Japanese-American Paul Suwa. I would love to hear from him also. Thank You for any information you may have. Siegfried Gatty [] |
[inquiry received 1-15-10] Do you know if Blacky the photographer still has a business there? IS there someone who now owns his photos? I was on Okinawa 1959 - 1960. Blacky photographed my unit while we were in the NTA. I am hoping that those negatives still exist. Thanks John Rose [e-mail John: chimealpha3(at)] [editor's note, "Blackie" was Earnest Gordon Bradford] |
According to my brother's "Sea & Air Travel-Embarkation Slips" he boarded the USNS Gen. A. W. Brewster, on Aug. 15, 1952 and headed for Inchon, Korea. They arrived Sept. 2, 1952. Do you know if that is true? Would you know if there was a roster of the Marines that sailed for Korea that day? If so I would be very interested. My brother was listed as MIA on Oct. 7, 1952 and presumed dead a year later. I am trying to piece together his story for all the youngsters in the family who never knew him. Also, I was just a kid when it happened and am trying to find out what happened to him so that I can have some closure. If you have any information please email it to and title it Korea because I usually spam all emails from unknown senders. Thank you very much. Mary Ann |
Someone told me that Habu Hill (editor's note: in the old Machinato housing area) was leveled after we left for the States two years later (would have been around 1960) but I could never find out for sure. Paul Carney
Read Paul's story [HERE] in the MailBag.
July 27, 2009 Hi, I was looking for information on the Battle of Okinawa and happened upon your website. My dad was in the 77th Infantry division, 1st Batallion of the 307th Infantry Regiment, (Presidential Citation: "For assaulting, capturing and securing The Ecarpment, a heavily fortified coral rock fortress which was the key to the famed Japanese Shuri defensive position on Okinawa, during the period 30 April to 5 May 1945, and making possible a general advance by all elements of the command") and I was you have any suggestions as to how I might find out if there are any soldiers from that unit still living? If you have a few minutes to answer my email and you have any suggestions for me, I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks, Betsy Parrini |
June 4, 2009 Jerry D. Smith I am looking for anyone who may have been in Company A MEDC during April of 1970 thru Oct. 1971. Thank you, Jerry |
Hi Mick, I really enjoy your web site. I was stationed in Okinawa in 1970 & 1971. A great place to send a young 19 year old soldier, Ha! Ha! I retired from the Army after 30 years and never got to go back. What a treat it would be to take my wife of 37 years to this beautiful island. While I was there a soldier wrote a song called "The Road to Nama Nuhie". I'd love to have the words to that song again. If you have them please email me back at Thank you so much for the memories! Jim Tate CSM, Retired
If anyone out there has those lyrics and sends them to Jim, please send them to me too and I'll post them on the site. 3-23-09
It's a long, long way but I don't mind
On the road to Naminue
With a flower in her hair,
[Click here] to see on YouTube. [This link] has all verses of the song. |
Donn Cuson contacted me in September 08 with some identifying information for the 1940s series of photos I have in my Scrapbook. |
received 7-24-08 Nina Wilkins [] I lived in Okinawa for almost 7 years in the late 60's and early 70's. I am trying to track down an old family friend her name is Junko Hirai, she would be my mom's friend, my mom's names is Nancy Hammer. If you know Junko or how I can do an e-mail search please let me know. In the late 70's I was in Japan, so I am also looking for ways to search for other lost friends too. Thank you, Nina |
6-17-08 do you know if there any web sites that cover bars and hostess's (similar to a clark/subic bay bases in the Philippines) ? I was stationed at camp hanson 1969-1970. My last trip there was in 1983 while on leave. And I have often wondered how the island has changed since then. |
4-29-08 Donna [] I’m wondering if you would have any information of how to get any of the publications you have listed written in Japanese. I have found a book called “Ancestor’s Worship – Okinawa’s indigenous belief system” which I purchased for my Mother who is Okinawan and loves this book but would like to have it or something similar in content written in Japanese for her family in Okinawa. Any information would greatly be appreciated. Sincerely, Donna |
4-24-08 I would like to find out if anybody out there would have any information on the whereabouts of Keiko Nakamura who worked in the Top Club in Kin Village circa 1969-70 and a woman named Junko (unknown if her real name) who worked in the Blue Angel , Gate 2 bar, also circa 1969-70. She had an infant son at the time. |
Marc Scarborough is looking for information about Naha, 1968-72 era. Anyone remember the main water tower? Got a map? |