Pack up the kids, flip-flops and towels and head to Kin Town for the next TANBO MATSURI ! Tanbo means rice paddy and matsuri means FUN! Well, actually, matsuri means festival but, yeah, it's a heck of a hoot.
I went in the spring of 2019 and loved every minute as did the kids, moms and dads, and the friendly accomodating staff at the Kin Nature Mirai-kan (Future Hall).

Nature Mirai has some pleasant natural surroundings and I spotted some kayakers having fun on a calm stretch of river which links to the Kin Dam.

By the time we got there the parking areas had become saturated so we ended up having to drive a ways to a huge parking lot a few km away and take a shuttle back to the Mud Fest venue. A lot of walking and encountering friendly faces all along the way.

Kayaking on the Okokubigawa (gawa is river) down a ways from the mangrove forest.

Typically one would expect to have to fly or ferry out to one of the outlying islands in order to enjoy an authentic water buffalo cart ride. But, nope - here ya go! It was fun watching the critter heft the thing over his own head and prepare to take off for another ride.

Well, this is the last time you'll see anything this clean! Leave those flip-flops where they fall and prepare to dive into the tanbo! The muddy fun is about to begin.