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Abe Yoshi Japanese Phrasebook
Adams, William Log Book of William Adams 1614-19 with the journal of Edward Saris, and other documents relating to Japan, Cochin China, etc
Agawa Hiroyuki The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy
Allen, Thomas B., and Polmar, Norman Code-Name Downfall: the secret plan to invade Japan - and why Truman dropped the bomb
Ames, Christopher and Hisashi Ashimine Okinawa: an Introduction
Angst, Linda Gendered Nationalism: The Himeyuri Story and Okinawan Identity in Postwar Japan
Aoyama Yogi (edited by) Okinawa in 1945 as seen by American military newsmen
Appleman, Roy E. Okinawa: the Last Battle
Ashimine Hisashi and Ames, Christopher Okinawa: an Introduction
Astor, Gerald Operation Iceberg - the Invasion and Conquest of Okinawa in World War II
Augustine, Matthew R. Border Crossers and Resistance to US Military Rule in the Ryukyus, 1945-1953
Avery, Robert and Kinuye (RAFilms) - (DVD) Why Okinawa? Messages from the People
Baldwin, Hanson W. Battles Lost and Won - Great Campaigns of World War II
Barker, A. J. Okinawa
Barrell, Tony and Rick Tanaka Okinawa Dreams OK
Becton, F. Julian, Rear Adm, USN The Ship that Would Not Die
Belote, James H. and William M. Belote Typhoon of Steel - The Battle for Okinawa
Benis, M. Frank Okinawa touchstone to victory
Berry, Henry Semper Fi, Mac - Living Memories of the U.S. Marines in World War II
Bird, Sarah Above the East China Sea
The Yokota Officers Club
Bliven, Jr., Bruce From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa
Bollinger, Edward E. On the Threshold of the Closed Empire
Reflections, East and West: Views from Okinawa
Bradford, "Blackie", and Eva Sevland Okinawa Children in Photos
Bradford, "Blackie" Okinawa in Color
This is Okinawa
Bradley, Omar N. A General's Life: An autobiography by General of the Army Omar N. Bradley and Clay Blair
Braganti, Nancy L. and Elizabeth Devine Traveler's Guide to Asian Customs and Manners
Brannen, Noah S., and Thorlin, Eldora S. Everyday Japanese, A Basic English-Japanese Wordbook
Brina, Elizabeth Miki Speak, Okinawa - a memoir
Brown, David Kamikaze
Brown, Harold Clifford Department of Defense Dependents Schools, Okinawa, Japan 1946-1978, A History of the
Bull, Blanche Tilton An American Woman in Okinawa - Blanche Tilton Bull Diary: 1911-1913
Butcher, Harry C. My Three Years with Eisenhower 1942-1945
Bywater, Hector C. The Great Pacific War: A History of the American-Japanese Campaign of 1931-33 (1925)
Carroll, Jack The Last Souvenir - Okinawa 1945
Chanlett-Avery, Emma CRS Report for Congress: The U.S. Military Presence in Okinawa and the Futenma Base Controversy
Chizuru Saeki Democracy In Okinawa U.S.-Okinawan Relations In The Cold War
Cooper, E. A. B.C. Street
The Okinawa We Lost
Copland, Margaret L. Fun and Festival from the Rim of East Asia
Cunningham, Philip J. Zakennayo ! The real Japanese you were never taught in school
Devine, Elizabeth and Nancy L. Braganti Traveler's Guide to Asian Customs and Manners
Dewey, Thomas E. Journey to the Far Pacific
Dupuis, Trevor Nevitt Naval War in the Pacific, The: Rising Sun of Nippon The Military History of World War II: Vol. 11
Naval War in the Pacific, The: On to Tokyo The Military History of World War II: Vol. 12
Edgerton, Robert B. Warriors of the Rising Sun - a history of the Japanese miltary
Ehman, Kenny Okinawa Explorer - A complete guidebook to Okinawa
Emerson, James J. Military Police Operations in the Okinawa Campaign
Fahey, James J. Pacific War Diary 1942-1945 - The Secret Diary of an American Sailor
Feifer, George TENNOZAN: the Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb
Fisch, Jr., Arnorld G Military Government in the Ryukyu Islands 1945-1950
Foster, Simon Okinawa 1945 Final Assault on the Empire
Francis, Carolyn B (edited by) An American Woman in Okinawa - Blanche Tilton Bull Diary: 1911-1913
Frank, Benis M. Okinawa: the Great Island Battle
Okinawa touchstone to victory
Glacken, Clarence J. The Great Loochoo
Glenn, Roland The Hawk and the Dove World War II at Okinawa and Korea
Glines, Jr., Carroll V. The Compact History of the United States Air Force
Goodhew, Howard R. S/Sgt The Battle of Okinawa - Operation Iceberg
Goodman, Grant K. "A Flood of Immigration" - Japanese Immigration to the Philippines 1900-1941
Gottlieb, Matthew Is It Nationalism? History's Impact on Okinawan Identity
Gow, Ian Okinawa 1945 Gateway to Japan
Green, Bob Okinawa Odyssey
Habersham, Alexander W. (Lieut, USN) My Last Cruise or Where We Went and What We Saw
Haines, Bruce A. Karate's History and Traditions
Hall, Basil Voyage to Loo Choo - and other places in the eastern seas...
Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo Choo island
Hallas, James H. Killing Ground on Okinawa - the Battle for Sugar Loaf Hill
Hanna, LtCdr, USN (historical data by) Okinawa Memories
Harrington, Joseph D. Yankee Samurai - the secret role of Nisei in American Pacific victory
Hearn, Lafcadio A Japanese Miscellany: Strange Stories, Folklore Gleanings, and Studies Here and There
Henderson, Gregory (edited by) Public Diplomacy and Political Change - Four Case Studies: Okinawa, Peru, Czechoslovakia, Guinea
Hickey, Dorothy Coffin and Ester Wier The Answer Book on Air Force Social Customs
Hicks, Eleanor B. Circus Day on Okinawa
Higa Tomiko The Girl with the White Flag
Higashi Mineo and Oshiro Tatsuhiro Okinawa: Two Postwar Novellas
Hirai Junko Festivals of Okinawa, Vol 3
Shape of Okinawa, Vol 2
Born in Iriomote-Jima - Junko Hirai photograph collection
Hitchcock, Jayne A. The Ghosts of Okinawa
Hitchcock, J. A. and "Bones" Rathbone Torment
Holt, Henry Here is Your War, Ernie Pyle
Hoffman, George R. Jr. Path to War, The - US Marine Corps Operations in Southeast Asia 1961-1965
Holland, Willard J. and "Blackie" Bradford This is Okinawa
Honda Erumi Hearing Voices: Female Transmission of Memories in Okinawan Literature in the 1970s and 1980s
Huber, Thomas M. Leavenworth Papers #18: Japan's Battle of Okinawa, April-June 1945
Hui O Laulima Okinawan Cookery and Culture - first printing 1975
Okinawan Mixed Plate Generous Servings of Culture, Customs and Cuisine
Okinawan Mixed Plate II CHIMUGUKURU - the soul, the spirit, the heart
Hungerford, Edward Buell Forbidden Island
Hynes, Samuel Flights of Passage - Reflections of a World War II Aviator (1st Edition)
Ito Akiyoshi Miracle Under the Waves in Okinawa - Okinawa Summit Memorial Publication
Jenkins, A. P. Okinawa in the News - Stories Selected from The Shimpo Weekly News (2nd ed)
Jenkins, William E. Okinawa: Isle of Smiles
Johnson, Akemi Night in the American Village
Johnson, Chalmers Dismantling the Empire
Johnston, James W. The Long Road of War
Kakazu Hiroshi OKINAWA in the Asia Pacific
Kastner, Christine Kriha Soldiering On - Finding My Homes Memoir of an Army Brat
Keegan, John The Second World War
Kenney, George C. General Kenney Reports
Kerr, George H. Okinawa: the History of an Island People
Ryukyu Kingdom and Province Before 1945
Ketchum, Creston D. Bread Upon the Waters
"Operation Goodwill" - Throughout the Ryukyu Islands Aboard the Mission Vessel "Island Evangel"
Keyso, Ruth Ann Women of Okinawa - Nine Voices from a Garrison Island
Kim, Richard The Weaponless Warriors - an informal history of Okinawan Karate
Kishaba, S. Okinawa The Southern Gateway
Kiyooka Eiichi Japanese in 30 Hours
Komatsu Hiroshi Negotiating process around ‘homeland level status’ reversion between Japan and Okinawa, The
Lampert, J. B., LtGen, USArmy Final Report of the High Commissioner to the Ryukyu Islands, 14 May 1972
Leavenworth, Charles S. The Loo Choo Islands
Lecke, Robert Okinawa: the Last Battle of World War II
Love, Edmond G. War is a Private Affair
MacArthur, Douglas (preface by) The Air Officer's Guide 1964 ed.
Maehara That's the Way It Was
Maharidge, Dale Bringing Mulligan Home - The Other Side of the Good War
Makoto Suzuki, M.D. The Okinawa Diet Plan
Manchester, William American Caesar - Douglas MacArthur - 1880-1964
Mann, Marian and Jean Shadrach Okinawa Sketch-Book
Maretzki, Hatsumi, and Thomas C. Maretzki Taira: An Okinawan Village Six Cultures Series, Vol VII
Maretzki, Thomas W., and Hatsumi Maretzki Taira: An Okinawan Village Six Cultures Series, Vol VII
Martin, Jo Nobuko A Princess Lily of The Ryukyus
Matsuda Mitsugu The Government of the Kingdom of Ryukyu, 1609-1872
Mayo, Lida The Ordinance Department: On Beachhead and Battlefront
McCarthy, Pat classical kata of okinawan KARATE
McClary, Stephen A. Mick NATSUKASHII: Uchinaa nu umui / Old Times: Reflections of Okinawa
Timeline: OKINAWA - a chronology of historical moments in the Ryukyu Islands
McCune, Shannon The Ryukyu Islands
Merritt, Marian Chapple Is Like Typhoon
Michener, James A. Sayonara
Miller, Lee G. The Story of Ernie Pyle
Millot, Bernard Divine Thunder - The Life and Death of The Kamikazes
Minatoya, Lydia Talking to the High Monks in the Snow: an Asian American Odyssey
M'Leod, John The Voyage of the Alceste, 1816-1817 - to the Ryukyus and Southeast Asia
Molasky, Michael S. The American Occupation of Japan and Okinawa, literature and memory
Morning Star Typhoon Tales
Morris, M. D. Okinawa: a tiger by the tail
Mosman, E. R. War Diary, Military Government Detachment B-5
Motobu Naoki Okinawan Samurai
Murasaki Shikibu Tale of Genji, The
Musil, Donna BRATS - Our Journey Home (DVD)
Nagamine Shoshin Tales of Okinawa's Great Masters
Nagata Masaaki Okinawan Folk Stories
Nagatsuka Ryuji I Was a Kamikaze
Naito Hatsuho Thunder Gods: the Kamikaze Pilots Tell Their Story
Nakachi Kiyoshi Ryukyu Islands and Okinawans - Sightseeing & Lifestyle
Nakasone, Ronald Y. (edited) Okinawan Diaspora
Nelson, Christopher Dancing with the Dead - Memory, Performance, and Everyday Life in Postwar Okinawa
Obara Kuniyoshi Education of Tamagawa Gakuen
Obermiller, David John The United States Military Occupation of Okinawa: Politicizing and Contesting Okinawa Identity 1945-1955
Ota Etsujiro OKINAWA: The 50 Years of the Postwar Era
Ota Masahide The Battle of Okinawa - The Typhoon of Steel and Bombs
Genocide (edited by Ota)
This Is the Okinawa War
This Was the Battle of Okinawa
What is the Battle of Okinawa
Otsuka Shokyu Southern Breeze - photographs by Shokyu Otsuka
The Spirit of Okinawa
The Pacific War Research Society Japan's Longest Day
Patrick, John Tea House of the August Moon, a play adapted from the novel by Vern Sneider
Pearson, Richard Ancient Ryukyu, an Archaeological Study of Island Communities
Polmar, Norman, and Allen, Thomas B. Code-Name Downfall: the secret plan to invade Japan - and why Truman dropped the bomb
Prosser, Robert (editor, The Morning Star) Typhoon Tales
Purnell, Christopher James. Log Book of William Adams 1614-19 with the journal of Edward Saris, and other documents relating to Japan, Cochin China, etc.
Purvis, John Michael. Contemporary Okinawa
Pyle, Ernie. Brave Men
Ernie's War
(biographical essay by David Nichols)
Here is Your War
Home Country
Last Chapter
Quast, Andreas A Stroll Along Ryukyu Martial Arts History
Okinawan Samurai
Rabson, Steve Okinawan Diaspora in Japan, The
Rabson, Steve Okinawan Diaspora in Japan, The
RAFilms (Robert Avery) - (DVD) Why Okinawa? Messages from the People
Rathbone, "Bones" and J. A. Hitchcock Torment
Reischauer, Edwin O. JAPAN Past and Present
Rinehart, Ian E. CRS Report for Congress: The U.S. Military Presence in Okinawa and the Futenma Base Controversy
Robinson, James C. Okinawa - A People and Their Gods
Rose-Innes, Arthur Conversational Japanese for the Beginner
Rosenbaum, Michael Okinawa's Complete Karate System - Isshin Ryu
Ross, Gordon W. Why... to Okinawa
Rucker, Warren P. United States -- Peruvian Policy Toward Peruvian-Japanese Persons During World War II
Sakihara Mitsugu Okinawan-English Wordbook
Sakumoto Shiko A Brief Glimpse into Okinawa's Past
Sandilands, John Women Beyond the Wire: Story of Prisoners of the Japanese, 1942-45
Sansom, G. B. Japan: a Short Cultural History
Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan (edited by) Keystone The American Occupation of Okinawa and U.S.-Japan Relations
Seven Stars - the Okinawa battle diaries of Simon Bolivar Buckner and Joseph Stilwell
Saris, Edward Log Book of William Adams 1614-19 with the journal of Edward Saris, and other documents relating to Japan, Cochin China, etc
Schwarts, Henry B., Rev. The Loo Choo Islands - A Chapter of Missionary History, 1907
Sered, Susan Women of the Sacred Groves - Divine Priestesses of Okinawa
Sevland, Eva and Blackie Bradford Okinawa Children in Photos
Shadrach, Jean, and Marian Mann Okinawa Sketch-Book
Shea, Nancy The Air Force Wife
Shiels, Frederick L. America, Okinawa, and Japan: Case Studies for Foreign Policy Theory
Shimibukuro Zenko The Okinawan Mind in Proverbs
Shoji Endo Folktales of Okinawa
Short, Courtney A. The Enemy of my Enemy is My Friend:
Okinawan Identity and Military Government Policy in Occupied Okinawa, April 1945
Sledge, E. B. With the Old Breed - at Peleliu and Okinawa
Smith, George, D.D. Lewchew and the Lewchewans - Being a Narrative of a Visit...
Smith-Switzer, H. H. (edited by) Okinawa Memories
Smits, Gregory Thoughts on the State of Okinawan Studies in North America and Europe
Visions of Ryukyu - Identity and Ideology in Early-Modern Thought and Politics
Spector, Ronald H. Eagle Against the Sun - An American War with Japan
Spurr, Russell A Glorious Way to Die - The Kamikaze Mission of the Battleship Yamato, April 1945 (1st edition)
Stafford, Edward P. Little Ship, Big War
Sullivan, George The Day Pearl Harbor Was Bombed: A Photo History of World War II
Suzuki Makoto M.D. The Okinawa Diet Plan
Tanaka, Rick and Tony Barrell Okinawa Dreams OK
Tatsuhiro Oshiro and Higashi Mineo Okinawa: Two Postwar Novellas
Taviano, Marla Opened Up on Okinawa - an Overseas Teaching Experience
Teruya Kanhan The Religion and Folklore of Okinawa
Thompson, Candace George Still Having Fun
Thorlin, Eldora S., and Brannen, Noah S. Everyday Japanese, A Basic English-Japanese Wordbook
Tigner, J. L. The Okinawans in Latin America
Toland, John The Rising Sun: the Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire 1936-1945
Tolischus, Otto D. Tokyo Record
Toyozato Sachiko Hanashimasho! - A Beginner's Guide to Practical Japanese (1st ed)
Trafton, Matayoshi Ancestors Worship - Okinawa's Indigenous Belief System (A Traditional View of Ideal Family Relationships)
Triplet, William In The Philippines and Okinawa - A Memoir 1945-1948
United States Armed Forces Institute Spoken Japanese - Basic Course Education Manuals 561 and 562
Walker, Robert Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands - the First Comprehensive Guide to the Entire Ryukyu Island Chain
Warner, Gordon The Okinawa War
The Okinawan Reversion Story
Warner, Lavinia Women Beyond the Wire: Story of Prisoners of the Japanese, 1942-45
Werstein, Irving Okinawa - The Last Ordeal
Wheeler, Keith The Road to Tokyo World War II
Wier, Ester and Dorothy Coffin Hickey The Answer Book on Air Force Social Customs
Wiley, Peter Booth Yankees in the Land of the Gods: Commodore Perry and the opening of Japan
Willcox, Bradley J. M.D., and
Willcox, D. Craig, PhD
The Okinawa Diet Plan
Williams, S. Wells A Journal of the Perry Expedition to Japan (1853-1854)
Wood, Amos L. Beachcombing for Japanese Glass Floats
Yahara Hiromishi, Colonel, IJA Battle for Okinawa, The
Yamada Okinawa by Yamada, her Beauties and Tradition - No. 1
Yamazato Eikichi Japan Is Not Our Fatherland
Yamazato Keiko BINGATA
Yoshida Mitsuru Requiem for Battleship Yamato
Zabilka, Gladys (compiled by) Customs and Culture of Okinawa
Zeiter, Hugo The Geisha and Other Stories from Okinawa

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Updated: 11-3-2023
S.A. Mick McClary, Great Falls, MT