Ryukyu / Okinawa Society
Some things about the way Okinawans lived long ago and even today
This page became active Sep 12, 2018
Latest update: May 19, 2020
I'll be migrating features from the website to this page over time.
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MUSIC Sanshin - the Okinawan shamisen Uniquely Okinawan, the traveled ear can easily distinguish that which derives from Uchina. Beautiful to hear wafting from the heart of villages all across the ken. Listen! DANCE Traditional Ryu̅kyu̅ Folk Dance CUISINE Okinawa Soba BELIEFS Achoo!! (when "gesundheit" just won't do) Ishiganto Good Luck talismans Meneki-neko MARTIAL ARTS Ryukyu Martial Arts, historical overview LIFESTYLES POTPOURRI Oshibori Pets Bo̅so̅zoku Boyz Kyodo-Baiten Preserving a 220+ year old fresh water well on Nago Seijin no Hi Iha (Ifa) Fuyu, Father of Okinawaology Humming Bulb Arrow ![]() |
LANGUAGE - some helpful words and phrases English-to-Japanese
Are the Ryukyuan Languages distinctly separate languages or are they "dialects" of Japanese?
That question has been bandied about for a long time. Here's an opinion worth reading:
“Wanne Uchinanchu – I am Okinawan.” MUSEUMS
Higashionna Museum
My Visit to the Higashionna Museum in 2015 Urumaichi Tateishikawa History & Folklore Museum Karate KaikanMuseum, Tomigusuku Haebaru Japanese Army Hospital "Bunker 20" Keibin Yonabaru (Railroad) Station Building Museum Yonabaru Choritsu Tsunahiki Tug-o-War Museum Yaese Town Gushikami Museum of History & Folklore OTHER BELIEFS & TRADITIONS Ogimi: Village of Longevity Kajimaya - celebration of 97 years of age Okinawa Soba Hajichi The art of hand tattoos Bunagaya That little woodland spirit Okinawan Family Names |
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