one of Okinawa's Yokatsu Islands
Published: xxx xx, 2020
Okinawa's civilization began, according to Ryukyuan mythology, on the island of Hamahiga (aka Bamahija-jima)). Major gods called upon Amamichu(aka Amamikiyo) and Shirumichu (aka Shinerikiyo) to go forth, and create the Ryukyu Islands. Having completed their task of creating soil, rock, sand, flora and fauna they settled down and raised a family consisting of three male and two female offspring. The first male child grew up to become Ryukyu's first monarch while the elder female child became the island's first high priestess. Her younger sister became the village's noro; the middle son a warrior; and the youngest son a farmer. At the dawn of every new year a noro, accompanied by local residents, goes to the cave of Shirumichu which is located inland from the tomb of the two creater gods. The noro and some citizens pray for fertility, good health, bountiful harvest and protection from the ravages of nature. The noro totes a large stone from the beach below, up to the cave. The cave is said to be the place where Amamichu gave birth to their first child. Chipped stone tools have been excavated in the cave indicating that it was indeed inhabited some unknown number of years ago.
Hamahigajima is an island within the city of Uruma. It has a circumference of about 7 kilometers. There is not a road that goes around its entire perimeter. There are a number of remote trails thoughout the largely uninhabited portion of the island. Access to Hamahigajima is really quite easy. After getting onto the Katsuren Peninsula, go east on Rte 10 (the Kaichu Douro). When you get onto Miyagijima take the turn to the right for Route 238, the bridge to Hamahiga.
The first time I went I turned left off of the bridge taking me to the east side of the little island. I ended up in Higa (Katsurenhiga) Village and spent quite some time over a couple of days, walking around in the village, visiting Amonji Island where I found the tombs of Amamichu and her husband Shirumichu who are entombed together. Across the road from Amonji Island there's a road that goes up into the jungled wilds. It's quite a clmb after parking the car in the designated area. After ascending 106 (yes, I counted 'em) steps I located Shirumichu's Cave. I'll be staying in a house that I rented in Hama Village (actually, it's Katsurenhama Village) during October-November of 2020. So there is going to be a lot more here as I learn more about the island.
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