Battle of Okinawa Historical Society
A non-profit outfit that covers, obviously, the Battle of Okinawa. Many great photo essays of archaeological projects.
Splendid resource for further research and appreciation of the conflict.
BRATs: Our Journey Home
A documentary about growing up in the military. U.S. military BRATS share intimate memories about their unique childhoods -
growing up on military bases around the world, then struggling to fit into an American lifestyle with which they have little in common.
BRATs: Our Journey Home, on Facebook
A spirited and genial discussion forum for BRATs of all stripe! A lively addition to their website.
California Dragons
A social group of Okinawa high school alumni who live in the SanDiego area and who
meet monthly in SD. It's an open group though and very spirited members even though
not Kubasaki alumni. They can't be too bad - they let me in! on Facebook
General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa
Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa
Quasi-official US Navy information source. I go here for up-to-the-minute (or hour) information on typhoon status, etc.
Higaonna Museum Restoration Project
Higaonna (Higashionna) Museum, apparently originally called the Hizaonna Museum is located in Uruma City off of road 6, called the Higashionna Road and sits near the Sunshine Auto Sales Yard.
Lt.Commander, U.S NavyWillard A. Hanna, (Ph.D. from the University of Michigan 1930) was a supervisor for the Military Government of Education and Cultural Affairs; along with James Watkins, LT Commander U.S. Navy, (Ph.D from Stanford 1941) worked enthusiastically to protect and promote Okinawan Culture and support the Arts & Monuments Department of the Okinawa Advisory Council. The Museum is located in the district originally used for Ryukyu Government in 1945.
Kadena Air Base Alumni
Unofficial - General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa and, obviously, greater focus on Kadena AB.
Kubasaki High School Alumni Association
Primarily comprised of Kubasaki alumni, as the name suggests, but also
General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa
Let's Save the Okinawan traditional houses
HELP! The concrete of construction busine$$ is swallowing the poor Okinawa... More malls for Chinese tourists, infrastructures, resorts and less trees, animals, beaches. Money (for someone) first, nature... what for? We're in danger, if the bad guys will continue building with this rhythm in 50 years there won't be anymore a single traditional house, if not fake ones in entertainment ghettos for tourists. if you care for what Okinawa was and could still be, please join us!
Makiminato Housing Area, Okinawa, Japan
Meet up for people who shared the experience of the Makiminato (Machinato) Housing Area, Okinawa Japan.
Makiminato 75-80
Musings of people, most of whom were dependents (children of military or Department of Defense civilian personnel),
who lived there many moons ago. A fun group.
Okinawa2Go! Project
English translation or explanations of current events in Okinawa news
Okinawa City International Association Eisa Team
Post information/requests regarding membership, upcoming events. videos, photos or music related to Okinawa City International Association Eisa Team. Always looking for new members...Check us out!
OkinawaBrats on Facebook
General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa
Okinawa Fb Users Group in WORLD
Primarily comprised of Kubasaki alumni, as the name suggests, but also
General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa
Okinawa Friendship Reunion, 2015
To Celebrate Peace and Good Times!
Oki Funoki
Life's Short! Share the Love of Bratness
Okinawa Outreach
More of an activist group with some pretty good reporting. I sat in on the group the
first time while I was trying to enhance awareness of the Government of Japan's plans
to ship a bunch of nuclear waste from Fukushima to Okinawa. I started following
closely when the main focus shifted to issues involving plans to base the MV-22 Osprey
at MCAS Futenma in Ginowan.
Okinawa Rocks!
General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa
Okinawa; The Rock
Another fun gathering place for us Okinawaphiles.
Doug has takusan no This Week on Okinawa issues here!
Okinawa, When We Were Young
This Group is mainly for military dependents, active or inactive U.S. and Japanese military who lived on Okinawa at any time. It is also for anyone who is thinking about going to Okinawa - you are welcome too! Enjoy!
Yeah... I Lived in Okinawa
General conversations, photos, links to interesting issues involving Okinawa.
This is the first Okinawa-related Facebook group that I joined up with and still
enjoy the tremendous comaraderie and good fun among the over-3,300 members.